Monday, November 20, 2017



ITC Depok merupakan jaringan pusat perbelanjaan di kota Depok, Jawa Barat. Pusat perbelajaan ini merupakan milik dari PT Duta Pertiwi Group, anak perusahan dari Sinarmas Group. Pusat perbelanjaan ini diresmikan pada bulan Agustus 2006 berlokasi di jalan Margonda Raya, tepat bersebelahan dengan Terminal Depok baru. Mal berlantai 5 ini memiliki areal lahan seluas 32.000 m² dan luas bangunan sekitar 92.000 m² dengan lebih dari 1.900 kios di dalamnya. Adapun tenant besar di pusat perbelanjaan ini diantaranya adalah Carrefour. Selain itu, masih ada banyak lagi tenant dan juga fasilitas menarik yang tersedia di pusat perbelanjaan ini, seperti misalnya Matahari Departement Store, Food Court, NAV Karaoke, HokBen, Solaria, A&W, Gramedia, CFC, Breadtalk, Breadlife, Baskin Robbins, Starbuck Coffee, D’Cost Restaurant, J.CO Donut & Coffee, Mezzanie, Dunkin Donut,  KFC, Pizza Hut, Margonda 21, Pusat Pakaian & Batik, Pusat Elektronik, Pusat Seni & Pahatan, Pusat Gadget & Handphone, Pusat Accesorris dan masih banyak lagi lainnya.
Depok merupakan salah satu kota di Indonesia yang memiliki ITC DEPOK berkembang sangat pesat. Kota yang berada di kawasan Jabodetabek ini juga menjadi salah satu tujuan urbanisasi karena menjanjikan kehidupan ekonomi yang lebih baik. Selain industry, di kota ini juga ada banyak pusat belanja di depok yang mewah dengan berbagai fasilitas menarik, seperti tempat nonton di depok, tempat nongkrong di depok, tempat kuliner depok, tempat hangout di depok, tempat ngopi di depok, tempat nongkrong asik, tempat makan enak di depok, liburan keluarga di depok, restaurant di depok dan masih banyak lagi lainnya. Beberapa pusat perbelanjan yang sangat direkomendasikan diantaranya ITC Depok yang merupakan salah satu tempat belanja di depok paling favorit. Selain menyediakan berbagai fasilitas menarik, tempat belanja grosir di depok ini juga benar-benar belanja murah di depok..
Memang ada banyak sekali fasilitas menarik yang bisa Anda temukan di pusat perbelanjaan ini. Sehingga tidak heran jika pusat belanja ini kemudian menjadi pilihan favorit. Yang lebih menarik lagi adalah bahwa lokasinya juga sangat strategis sehingga mudah untuk dijangkau. Tidak peduli apakah Anda akan datang menggunakan kendaraan pribadi atau transportasi umum, ITC Depok benar-benar mengakomodir semuanya.



ITC Depok memang menawarkan banyak sekali fasilitas menarik, tidak hanya tempat untuk ngopi saja, tetapi juga pusat kuliner, tempat menonton, tempat nongkrong, arena permainan anak dan masih banyak lagi lainnya. Jadi disini selain bisa berbelanja Anda juga bisa melakukan berbagai aktivitas menarik dan menyenangkan bersama teman atau bahkan keluarga. Buat Anda yang ingin berbelanja, sekedar jalan-jalan atau nongkrong bersama teman, ini juga bisa menjadi pilihan tempat yang sangat menarik. termasuk juga ketika ingin menikmati segelas kopi sambil ngobrol hangat bersama teman, rekan bisnis, pasangan atau siapa saja.
Dengan berbagai fasilitas menarik yang disediakan, tidak heran memang jika kemudian mall ini menjadi salah satu mall yang paling difavoritkan di kota Depok. Untuk bisa  nongkrong sambil menikmati kopi di ITC Depok ini juga tidak sulit menemukannya, karena mall ini lokasinya sangat strategis, terletak persis disamping terminal Depok. Anda bisa menuju mall ini dengan menggunakan angkutan umum yang berhenti di Terminal Depok atau juga angkutan umum yang melewati Terminal Depok.
Saat ini Depok merupakan kota dengan sejuta pesona dimana ada banyak sekali hal menarik yang bisa Anda temukan disini seperti adanya ITC DEPOK tempat untuk berbelanja murah. Kota ini bahkan menjadi surganya bagi para pecinta belanja dan kuliner. Karena di kota ini ada berbagai jenis restaurant yang menyajikan aneka masakan juga pusat perbelanjaan kelas bintang 5. Kota ini berkembang sangat pesat dalam beberapa dekade terakhir. Banyak pusat belanja di depok yang menawarkan berbagai fasilitas menarik, mulai dari tempat nonton di depok, tempat nongkrong di depok, tempat kuliner depok, tempat hangout di depok, tempat ngopi di depok, tempat nongkrong asik, tempat makan enak di depok, liburan keluarga di depok, restaurant di depok dan masih banyak lagi lainnya. ITC Depok menjadi salah satu tempat belanja di depok yang sangat favorit. Selain karena menyediakan berbsgai fasilitas menarik, belanja grosir di depok ini juga benar-benar belanja murah di depok.



ITC Depok terletak di Depok yang menjadi kota yang tidak kalah populer dibandingkan Jakarta, baik untuk kota hunian, untuk tujuan wisata atau bahkan sekedar untuk hang out pada muda mudi. Ini karena di kota Depok memang ada banyak sekali fasilitas menarik yang bisa dengan mudah dijangkau. Yang paling terkenal dari kota Depok adalah pusat belanja di Depok yang memang saat ini semakin marak dan masing-masing saling berlomba untuk memenangkan target market. Selain sebagai tempat belanja, sebagian besar mall di Depok juga dilengkapi dengan berbagai fasilitas menarik seperti tempat nonton di Depok, tepat beli sepatu murah, tepat hang out anak muda, pusat interior rumah murah, tempat nongkrong di Depok, tempat kuliner Depok, tempat hangout di Depok, tempat ngopi di Depok, tempat nongkrong asik, tempat makan enak di Depok, liburan keluarga di Depok, restaurant di depok dan masih banyak lagi lainnya. Bahkan berbagai fasilitas ini bisa Anda temukan di satu tempat belanja di depok, diantaranya adalah melalui ITC Depok. Ini merupakan salah satu tempat belanja di depok yang sangat favorit. Selain karena menyediakan berbagai fasilitas menarik, belanja grosir di Depok ini juga benar-benar belanja murah di Depok.
Untuk Anda yang saat ini sedang bingung mencari rekomendasi tempat hang out anak muda yang seru dan nyaman, maka ITC Depok bisa menjadi pilihan yang sangat menarik. Ini merupakan salah satu shopping mall di Kota Depok yang sangat diavoritkan. Shopping mall ini dibangun pada tahun 2006 dan berlokasi di Jalan Margonda Raya No. 20, Kota Depok, Jawa Barat. Meskipun ini merupakan pusat perbelanjaan, tapi di mall ini Anda juga bisa menemukan banyak sekali fasilitas menarik, termasuk tempat hangout yang seru dan menyenangkan mulai dari window shopping, nongkrong di café, nonton di bioskopnya, menikmati wisata kuliner dan masih banyak lagi lainnya. Soal harga tidak perlu khawatir, banyak penawaran yang diberikan dari mulai yang murah sampai mahal. Dengan demikian, Anda pun bisa lebih leluasa untuk menyesuaikannya dengan budget yang dimiliki.



ITC Depok yang menjadi salah satu tempat tujuan favorit untuk berburu makanan enak  dan Beberapa tempat menarik yang bisa Anda temukan di Depok. Karena memang disini ada banyak sekali restaurant atau café yang menyajikan aneka menu masakan baik domestic maupun mancanegara. Selain kuliner, disini juga menyediakan banyak sekali fasilitas menarik seperti pusat belanja di Depok, tempat nonton Di depok, tempat nongkrong di Depok, tempat beli sepatu murah, pusat interior rumah murah, tempat kuliner Depok, tempat hangout di Depok, tempat ngopi di Depok, tempat nongkrong asik, tempat makan enak di Depok, liburan keluarga di depok, restaurant di Depok dan masih banyak lagi lainnya. yang lebih menarik adalah bahwa mall ini juga merupakan, tempat belanja grosir di Depok yang memberikan penawaran belanja murah di Depok.
Mencari tempat makan enak di Depok saat ini bukan lagi menjadi hal yang sulit untuk dilakukan. Sebab du kota ini memang ada banyak sekali jenis restaurant, terutama sekali ketika Anda berkunjung ke kawasan Margonda Raya atau depatnya di ITC Depok. Ini merupakan salah satu pusat kuliner di Depok yang sangat direkomendasikan. Memang Depok merupakan salah satu kota di Jawa Barat yang sangat maju dan berkembang. Di kota ini Anda bisa menemukan berbagai hal menarik, terutama sekali fasilitas belanja dan wisata kulinernya.
Beberapa tepat makan enak yang ada di ITC Depok yang paling direkomendasikan diantaranya adalah D’ Cost yang berada di ITC Depok, Lantai 1, Jl. Margonda Raya, Pancoran Mas, Depok. Restaurant ini menyajikan Hidangan Laut atau sea food dan aneka masakan Indonesia. selain itu, bagi Anda yang ingin menikmati makanan cepat saji khas Amrika, disini juga ada A&W yang berlokasi ITC Depok, Ruko ITC Depok, Jl. Margonda Raya. Sementara untuk Anda pecinta masakan Jepang, tentu saja HokBen adalah pilihan yang paling tepat. Anda bisa menemukan restaurant ini di ITC Depok, Lantai 3, Jl. Margonda Raya. Selain beberapa daftar tersebut, masih ada banyak lagi pilihan tempat makan enak yang bisa Anda temukan disini.

Sunday, November 19, 2017


ITC DEPOK – Mencari tepat kuliner Depok tentu tidak sulit untuk dilakukan, karena memang ada banyak sekali tempat kuliner menarik untuk dikunjungi di kota ini. bahkan saking banyak dan lengkapnya menjadikan Depok sebagai salah satu kota tujuan wisata kuliner yang cukup favorit, terutama sekali untuk kawasan Jakarta dan Jawa Barat. Selain tempat kuliner, disini Anda juga bisa menemukan pusat belanja di depok yang tidak hanya menyediakan produk jualan saja, tetapi juga berbagai fasilitas menarik seperti tempat nonton di depok, tempat nongkrong di depok, tempat hangout di depok, tempat ngopi di depok, tempat nongkrong asik, tempat makan enak di depok, liburan keluarga di depok, restaurant di depok dan masih banyak lagi lainnya. Salah satu tepat yang cukup favorit untuk berburu kuliner sekaligus berbelanja adalah di ITC Depok yang berada di Jalan MargondaMall ini menjadi salah satu yang paling favorit di Depok. Selain sebagai tempat kuliner yang lengkap, disini juga menyediakan berbgai fasilitas menarik serta belanja grosir di depok dengan belanja murah di depok.

ITC Depok merupakan jaringan pusat perbelanjaan di kota Depok, Jawa Barat. Pusat perbelanjaan ini diresmikan pada bulan Agustus 2006 berlokasi di jalan Margonda Raya, tepat bersebelahan dengan Terminal Depok baru. Mal berlantai 5 ini memiliki areal lahan seluas 32.000 m² dan luas bangunan sekitar 92.000 m² dengan lebih dari 1.900 kios di dalamnya. Restaurant menjadi salah satu yang paling populer disini. Anda bisa menemukan banyak sekali restaurant paling enak disini, seperti misalnya D’Cost, Ayam Kropos, A&W, Bakso Tebet, KFC, Steak Moen Moen, Gudeg Martinah, Papabunz, Holland Bakery, Cheese Chicken, Kwetiaw Sapi 99, Super Yamin dan masih banyak lagi lainnya. Semuanya ini bisa Anda temukan dalam satu lokasi yang sangat mudah dijangkau, karena memang lokasi mall ini sangat strategis. Selain terdapat tempat kuliner yang beragam, disini Anda juga sekaligus bisa berbelanja kebutuhan atau bahkan juga nonton bioskop, karena disini juga tersedia tempat nonton.

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

New York for the Adrenaline Junkie

New York for the Adrenaline Junkie

For the fun loving thrill seeker New York City is one giant playground. Whether you are into extreme sports, extreme movies, or simply watching others go to extremes you should get a healthy dose of it all in this great city. paket tour malaysia murah piranti travel, From reading to gaming and extreme sports and every extremity in between you have come to the right city to fill all of your extreme needs in entertainment and art.

Web2Zone Cyber Center has all of your extreme gaming and computing needs. They offer regular tournaments for the serious games while also offering simple Internet access for those who'd like to socialize while they spend time in cyber space. They are not your typical Internet Café. Not only do they offer a place to log in, they also offer one of the fastest Internet connections around. They do not offer wireless service but will be glad to loan you an Ethernet card or port for your laptop with proper collateral. For the gamers, events and tournaments are hosted regularly and plenty of opportunities abound to flex your gaming muscles.

For those of you looking for cooler extreme entertainment, how about checking out the Sky Rink at Chelsea Piers? This is a great way to keep things cool any time of the year while getting the great kind of workout you won't find in a traditional gym. This is definitely worth checking out and while you are here you can check out all of the other great things that Chelsea Piers has to offer its visitors. paket liburan murah ke bali piranti travel, Among those neat things are bowling, the golf club, the field house, and the Spa. This is definitely a great place to spend the day in order to work out any excess energy you may have or to get your blood pumping and your day off to a fabulous start.

If you like the feeling of wind in your hair then perhaps a trip by ferry will fill that need. Really you don't need a specific destination in order to take a ride on the Ferry and enjoy the scenery. You can also elect to take specific tours on your ferry ride; check to see what's available during you stay and you might even find that you can combine two great activities with one trip. There are many different cruises available some last ninety minutes and take place during the day and others offer a view of the city at night as your spend two hours enjoying mixed drinks and city lights.

If the ferry ride doesn't fill your need for the wind in your hair, then perhaps you should stroll on over to Coney Island (strolling might not be the best option but get there somehow) and check out Astroland Amusements Park's The Cyclone. This ride is super intense and often replicated but never quite duplicated. This ride is famous around the world and should satisfy even the biggest roller coaster geek and/or adrenaline junkie out there. Skeptical? The only way you'll ever know is to see for yourself. Of course there are other things that this park has to offer those who seek smaller, less intense thrills as well.

It really doesn't matter what specific thrills you seek, being in New York City, enjoying the smells, the sights, and the sounds are enough for many adrenaline junkies and many find that being in this city is like being nowhere else on earth. Take the time to see what activities you might find interesting and go for it. Seize the moments you have in this city and enjoy every activity you try during your visit. The purpose of a vacation is both to have fun and to relax. Be sure you don't spend the entire time seeking one adrenaline high after another or you'll find yourself needing a vacation in order to recover from your vacation. Seriously, with all the fun there is to be had most people forget the importance of scheduling some down time during their vacations, don't let this happen to you. paket tour singapore piranti travel,

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

NYC National Parks Offer Glimpse of History

NYC National Parks Offer Glimpse of History

If you are considering a vacation in New York, planning ahead is the only way to go. There are simply so many things to see and do that you must have at least a general idea of how you want to spend your days before you can even begin to get started. paket wisata malaysia murah piranti travel, New York is one of the greatest cities in the world, it didn't get that way without a reason and it has a long history that is part of its greatness.

If I were to choose how to spend my time in New York and what wonderful things about New York City to introduce my children to, I would choose to introduce them to those things that bore the most historical significance first in order for that to really sink in and not be competing with the Nintendo Store or the really cool keyboard at FAO Schwarz. I would want my children to understand the history of our country good and bad and I want them to someday instill in their own children the importance of that history.

By visiting the national parks first, I will have enjoyed the benefits of the price tag (free is good almost anyway you slice it, particularly when you and your children are getting an education) in addition to fresh minds on which to impart this crucial knowledge about the birth of our democracy. Ellis Island is a great place to visit, but I think I will show them the statue from afar rather than taking the ferry ride out there. paket tour thailand murah piranti travel, There is just so much to do in New York and every second counts. I want them to have a wonderful time as much as I want them to gain some wonderful insights that they can share with their friends at school as well (something other than the latest and greatest new Game Cube game that is coming out soon).

Some of the important national parks I'd like to take my children include: Federal Hall, where Washington was inaugurated, Grant's Tomb, Theodore Roosevelt's Birthplace, and Castle Clinton, which was designed in order to keep invaders out. I would also like to take them to Saint Paul's Church. Not for religious reasons but for Religious freedom issues. I think there is an important lesson to be learned here even today, perhaps especially today.

I think the lessons that can be learned about the history of our nation in New York City are just as important as the lessons that can learned in Washington or Philadelphia. This country has taken many steps along the road to democracy and we've stumbled a few times along the way. There would have never been the Salem Witch Trials, the Civil War, or the Civil Rights Movement if he hadn't but we've come so far and still have so far to go. I want my children to learn from our past and to look forward to our future.

I think these are the lessons we can learn from our state parks and those are much more valuable than the lessons we can learn in toy stores and throwing Frisbee in Central Park. I want my children to visit museums and toy stores and see new cultures, I also want them to take home with them a deep sense of the history of our great nation. paket tour malaysia murah piranti travel,

Thursday, June 15, 2017

Visiting Mexico? Don’t Be a Victim to Crime

Visiting Mexico?  Don’t Be a Victim to Crime

If you are planning a trip to Mexico, there are a number of important factors that you should first consider and prepare for. paket liburan murah ke lombok, These factors are considered safety precautions. Traveling to Mexico is fun, but it can be also dangerous, especially if you don’t know what to do or how to protect yourself.

When visiting Mexico it is important to register with the United States Travel Registry to ensure that the government knows that you are leaving the country.  This is the first step to staying safe while in Mexico.  In the event that you become the victim of a crime, you will receive immediate government assistance.  When using the internet to register with the United States Travel Registry, be sure to leave a detailed itinerary of your plans on your computer.

You should also make sure that you leave information regarding your travel plans with a close friend, family member, co-worker, or neighbor.  You are encouraged to make copies of your airline tickets, as well as your passport. You want to take a copy with you and leave another copy at home.  This will help verify your location if something should go awry.  You should also designate someone you know as your emergency contact.

Use common sense in the hotels, on busses, or walking in the streets of Mexico.  Don’t take taxicabs that you have just waved down on the streets.  Many crimes are being reported of people who haven’t previously arranged for taxis.  You should also never carry large amounts of cash, flashy jewelry, or extra credit cards with you. paket tour singapore, When you are a tourist, shady people will already notice you and single you out.  Be on the lookout for and avoid these individuals at all costs.

If you think that you know all there is to Mexico you are most often wrong.  Public drinking is often shown in films as the norm, however this is a crime and you can be arrested for being intoxicated in public.  You should also use caution when drinking in nightclubs or bars during the evening hours.  People who wish to victimize tourists often drug them.

You should always use caution, no matter where you are. Despite being cautionary at all times, you should also use caution when traveling by bus and other forms of public transportation.  You should always stay alert during nighttime travel and while traveling during busy bus hours.  It is becoming more common for tourists to be mugged while riding on the busses in Mexico.  The busses where these crimes are taking place are often the cheapest forms of travel.  You may want to ride first class and have someone that you know and trust with you.

If you need help while in Mexico you should contact the United States Embassy.  There is also a twenty-four hour hotline for the Mexican Ministry of Tourism. There is also a Mexican version of 911; it is 060 for Mexico City, and 066 for other areas of Mexico.  This will put you in contact with Mexican officials immediately.  There is also a Mexican Red Cross that will help if you are injured and need medical help.  The Red Cross is free of charge and they will provide basic medical attention.

The above mentioned precautionary measures and important phone number are just a few of the many that you should know.  Despite what you believe, staying safe while on vacation in Mexico shouldn’t begin as soon as you arrive. paket liburan murah ke bali, You should start taking precautionary measures before you leave for your vacation.

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Preparing for Your Trip to Mexico

Preparing for Your Trip to Mexico

Preparation is the key to your safety when visiting Mexico.  You should begin your vacation with a careful and well thought-out plan. paket tour thailand, Your plan should include your budget, where you will be staying, as well as important information and contact numbers in case there is an emergency.

You should be current with your immunizations before leaving the country and follow all safety precautions while in Mexico.  You should also register with the United States Embassy and make sure that you leave a copy of your itinerary with a family member, close friend, co-worker, or neighbor.  You may also want to consider registering with the United States Travel Registration, for added convenience. This can easily be done over the internet.  This is an important precaution to take.  It helps to notify the United States Government that you are leaving the country.  By taking necessary precautions and planning your trip efficiently, you can ensure that your vacation will be what you expected, it will also help to eliminate the chances of a problem occurring.

Staying up to date on current events in Mexico is very important to timing your trip.  You should begin watching the news and plan your trip based on what you see.  If there are internal conflicts within the Mexican government, you may want to delay your trip for a period of time.  You should also learn as much as you can about the country before you embark on your journey.  Finding out the country’s weather and climate is extremely important to planning the perfect trip.  Traveling to Mexico during hurricane season can put a damper on your vacation, so make sure that you keep this in mind when planning your Mexico vacation.

Before leaving, you are encouraged to find out as much information about the location of your trip, the culture, and customs.  Another important step to take when preparing for your trip to Mexico is to check with the Consular Information Sheets. paket liburan murah ke belitung, Consular Information Sheets are valuable resources that all tourists should examine.  It will provide you with information that will give you all of the details that are applicable to traveling in Mexico.  The sheets will give you emergency contact information, and describe the current conditions within the country.

The importance of your passport cannot be overlooked.  There are many places where your passport, along with other forms of identification will be needed.  You should make copies of your passport and your tickets and leave them with a close friend or relative.  In addition to your passport, you will also need other proper forms of identification. This identification most often is picture identification.

You will want to review your health insurance policy before you leave the country.  Certain medical insurance programs will not provide services outside of the United States.  If you become ill outside of the country and are not covered, you will be responsible for any bills that result.  Some medical insurance policies will provide coverage for those outside of the country, but you should verify with your provider before your trip.  If you travel frequently, it may be beneficial to add additional coverage to your current policy.

The above mention tips and precautions are just a few of the many that can help you have the perfect vacation in Mexico. paket tour malaysia, Properly preparing for your trip is the best way to prevent unnecessary problems from arising.

Sunday, June 11, 2017

Kona Village Resort

Kona Village Resort

The amazing and relaxing Kona Village Resort is
located on the western coast of the Big Island of
Hawaii. paket wisata bali, Offering you breathtaking views and plenty
of things to do, the Kona Village Resort is a
beach vacation come true.

If you are planning to relax, unwind from the
pressures of life, and get closer to nature, Kona
Village Resort is the ideal place to go.  This
vacation resort caters to couples seeking romance
as well as families looking to spend quality vacation
time together.

The Polynesian style cottages have no phones or
television sets.  This way, guests can spend their
days trying out new activities, exploring the rich
Hawaiian marine life in the bay, or just spend time
relaxing time on the beach.

The resort offers 125 individual bungalows that
are spread out across 82 tropical acres.  They are
all different in style, size, and view. paket wisata lombok, The south
side of the resort offers palm trees and tropical
foliage, while the lagoon side features wildlife,
and the north side features a unique lava flow.

When it comes to dinner, you'll have a choice of
two oceanfront restaurants.  The cuisine is light
with an emphasis on fresh island vegetables and
fish.  On Friday, the resort hosts the infamous
and legendary Lu'au, which has been a Hawaiian
tradition for many years.

The Kona Village Resort is located on 82 acres
of tropical heaven with a large beach - private
for guests.  You can explore the resort bay
that is teeming with wildlife, including the
Hawaiian grean sea turtles and blue tangs.

If you visit the resort between December and April,
you may even catch the North Pacific humpback
whales as they migrate from Alaska to Hawaii -
right off the beach.  Almost every night at the
resort, you can see the manta rays swim into the
light in front of the Hale Moana restaurant.

There are several different activities to choose
from here as well, including snorkeling, kayaking,
and sailing.  The Kona Village resort will even
organize daily volleyball games and glass bottom
boat tours.  If you choose, you can even play
tennis, go fishing, or even scuba diving - in
the crystal clear Hawaii water.

The Kona Village Resort in Hawaii is another fine
example of everything Hawaii has to offer you on
your beach vacation.  Hawaii is a beach vacation
paradise, with something for the entire family.
If you've been looking for the ideal vacation spot,
Kona Village is where you'll want to spend almost
all of your time. paket tour singapore murah,

Aspen Nightlife – Club Chelsea

Aspen Nightlife – Club Chelsea

The Club Chelsea is a fashionable club that is
a traditional part of the Aspen nightlife social
scene paket tour singapore murah, Featuring a piano bar,
a dining area, a dance floor, and a private smoking room,
this is high-toned entertainment at its very best.

The Club Chelsea bar offers single malts,
cognacs, martinis, and ports, and in the
smoking room, you will find Havana and A.
Fuente cigars. The club is open from 8pm to
2am daily, and is located on East Hyman
paket tour thailand murah, Avenue. A light menu is offered,
featuring gourmet dishes such as pastas, tenderloins,
and tamales. Everything about Club Chelsea
screams elegance.

The chances are good that you will not run into
the college crowd here. The majority of the
patrons seem to be older – starting with the 30
and 40 year old crowds, with some seniors
thrown in for good measure. This is elegant
‘grown up’ entertainment, where you won’t find
a lot of noise or people who have had too much
to drink.

So, if you are past the college drinking contests
and wet T-shirt competition age, you will find
paket tour malaysia murah Club Chelsea a delightful and
elegant place where you can while away the evening with
great food, fabulous drinks, wonderful piano
music, and outstanding cigars.